CSharp in the Cards - Materials Needed

To get started with this video course, you don't need to install or configure ANYTHING.

You can get started as simply as just watching the videos on YouTube and following along with a pen and paper.

If you'd like to practice and follow the lessons, you will be able to use a browser to work with the notebooks online. Additionally, you will be able to download the code samples for each lesson and follow along on your Windows, Mac, or Linux-based computer.

If you are downloading the samples to work locally, you will need to install a .NET Software Development Kit (SDK) from https://dot.net. We recommend the .NET 8 version of tools to accompany this series

About Us

CSharp In the Cards is a free technical educational series produced by Jeffrey T. Fritz and available in video, text, and source code formats. In the future, we plan to have more formats available

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